Alsbury's in the Mid-West USA
Much of the information below is derived from 'Alsbury Gleanings from the Mid-West' by Helen Renner. Published in Missouri 1988.
Most of the info covers from ca 1750 to those born at the end of the C19. The work Helen Renner has published on the Alsbury's who spread from Virginia to the Mid-West and thence to NE, WA, CA, AZ, etc runs to 250+ pages of A4 and I have not yet got much of it onto the computer!
- The mid-west group seem nearly all to descend from a
Charles Alsbury who died Nov 1858 and was buried in Maxwell, Sangamon county, IL. In 1820 his family was in Gallia county, OH and, though there is some uncertainty to be resolved, he appears to have had sons Thomas, John, Charles, Brice, Alexander and Levi (James?) as well as daughters Elizabeth, Jane, Sarah, Miriam, Ann.
The son Thomas was born 1792 in what was then Virginia, now WV, and moved through OH, to IN and Fulton county, IL
John Alsbury (b.1795, Montgomery county, VA - d.1875, OH) appears to have had no children of his own, but quite a few step-children.
Family of Charles Alsbury have been recorded in IL and OK.
Brice was active as an elder in the Primitive Baptist Church in IL, and Helen Renner herself descends from him, as do
Alsbury's in Colorado Springs descended through Wyatt Lowery Alsbury (b.1873, Ralls county MO -d.1941, Colorado Springs, CO),
some Alsbury / Aulsbury's in MO through John Morris Alsbury (b.1834, Sangamon county, IL -, MO),
Alsbury's in CA through Brice William Alsbury (b.1845, Adams county, IL - d.1925, San Diego, CA)
Of Alexander's family I know that there were descendants in Jackson county, IL about 1900.
Levi James (b.1823 - d.1916,Macon county, IL) appears to have had 7 daughters and two sons, John H (d.1949) and Brice A (b.1863).
Unconfirmed as yet are the places in the family of the following:
Another Charles Alsbury (b.1817, OH - d.1901, IL) has descendants in IL, KS, MS.
Henry Alsbury ( - fl.1870 MO - d.?) lived in IL in the mid C19 and has descendants in WA, IL, MO, CA, NE, CO, KS..
A David Alsbury ( is recorded and confusion surrounds his place in the family - he may be a son of the Thomas(b.1792) above,
as also may be
- Newton Alsbury (b.1832 - d.1879) in IL from whom many of the Allsbury family in the Mid-West descend. There have been quite a few Allsbury's in west MO as well as Alsbury's so untangling the records from years when spelling wasn't quite so reliable takes a bit of work.
- To be continued.....
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